Sunday, June 16, 2013

Fossil Creek

     Well, we have been taking advantage of life being a little bit more "chill" for us.  I'm in my last quarter of didactic work for school and Ryan is currently home studying for his Step 2 Boards so we have been seeing more of each other than normal.  So of course we try to escape the Phoenix summer, which lead us to this beauty of a place about 2 hours away, Fossil Creek.  It is b-e-a-u-t-f-u-l and so much fun! The water is crystal clear, and where there are "pools" made in the river, it is a pretty turquoise color. There are lots of waterfalls along the river that lead to the main waterfall at the end. We'll just let the pictures do the talking.

I Spy Something Green

It was a great 8 mile hike and nice to get out of the heat.  We are going to miss Arizona, with all this fun natural beauty around us, Arizona country has definitely become our playground.

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