Monday, December 12, 2011

Knowing Christ in Christmas

     Christmas for me this year has brought on a new meaning.  I have been so fortunate to have found wonderful friends who get to endure through the agony and pain of pharmacy school with me.  I have to admit I was really wanting to find some good LDS friends like I had at ISU.  People with the same interests and way of living, but to my surprise I have been blessed with the most diverse group of friends.  We have had many religion talks, they seems to happen a lot when people find out your are Mormon.  But this wonderful season of Christmas has helped me realize the true meaning and why we exactly celebrate Christmas.
     So here is the group.....
           1) Irina = Russian, Jewish but now is a practicing Atheist
2) Kim = American, non-practicing Jehovah Witness
3)  Sam = Native American, Christian??? (i think? Haven't quite figured it out)
4)  Kristen = American, Not really a specific religion
5) Kali Jo = American, Latter Day Saint
Irina is missing, but the awesome friends

     Now I do not write this for comparing or saying that one is better then the other, but it has taken me awhile to appreciate the situation Heavenly Father has given me.  At first my group of friends use to call me Mormon and wanted to know why that was the name of the religion.  After a very long lunch discussions they learned that it is a nickname and now when anything is referred to me about religion they no longer say Mormon, but LDS.  This was a huge goal of mine for them to understand and start to say my religion was LDS.  To me this shows they understand that I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  

Elder Ballard stated beautifully in October 2011 General Conference the
importance of a "Name" and that we as members should call ourselves
Latter Day Saints, you can find his article here.  Here is part of his talk I liked...

"Brothers and sisters, just think of what an impact we can have by simply responding by using the full name of the Church as the Lord has declared we should do. And if you cannot immediately use the full name, at least say, “I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ” and later explain “of Latter-day Saints.”

Back in 1948 at the October general conference, President George Albert Smith said, “Brethren and sisters, when you go away from here, you may be associating with various denominations of the world, but remember that there is only one Church in all the world that by divine command bears the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord”

     Now on to the impression I have been having about knowing Christ in Christmas.  With the very diverse group of religions in my friends, I have learned a lot about their traditions in their family and what is meaningful to them during the holidays.  They all have their own beautiful meanings for celebration but can I just say that I feel so lucky, that for myself and my family WE have a beautiful meaning for Christmas!  It is not about gifts or some old man who brings great gifts (even though I do love it) but that it is a time to really celebrate our Wonderful and Beautiful Savior. He is the reason why we are on this Earth and to give thanks to our beloved Elder Brother who did so much for us.  This has been a burning testimony inside of my heart these last few days.  For I feel and am shameful to say that it took much time for me to understand the true meaning of Christmas, but I am very thankful that I know!  I couldn't ask for better friends to help get me through school and for this amazing time in my life to be the best example to them and share my testimony when I can.

This is the reason why the Finn's celebrate and Love CHRISTmas

I hope you and your families will find the true meaning as well this wonderful Christmas Holiday!

Merry CHRISTmas!

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