Thursday, April 12, 2012

The BIG 100 Club!

     Well Ryan has Done It folks, he took his 100th test this morning!  The lucky subject was Psychology.  Some may think, why celebrate this?  Well we were given some great advice from some awesome friends who have been through the medical school route and their advice for our medical school journey was, "Enjoy the little moments."  I was planning on being a good wife and celebrate every 25, 50, 75....and so forth test, but when I have my own schooling I kind of fell behind.  But why not celebrate the big 100!

     I decided to make Ryan's favorite cake, Funfetti with rainbow chip frosting.  Funny story, so I wanted to make this a surprise for Ryan so when he finished taking his test in the morning he would come home to it.  So the night before I bought all the stuff and  hid it so when Ryan went to bed (before me cause I was "studying" for my Microbiology exam on Friday) I made the cake.  Well I was getting tired and didn't really have the patience to wait for the cake to cool, so I thought that if I frosted the cake real fast then hurry and put it in the fridge it won't melt! haha don't do!  This morning to my surprise the frosting had seeped into the cake itself! Luckily I still had half a can of frosting, so Ryan's 1/2 of a cake got a full can of frosting on it!

     Good Job Ryan!  Thanks for working so hard for our family and for being an amazing student!  Love Ya.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Ry Ry! Wow! I guess you really are going to school down there... fooled me!
