Sunday, January 15, 2012

Resolutions Update

    My plan for our Resolutions is to give a monthly update.  I know that it is still the middle of January, but I just loved this picture and what it means so I am posting early.

     Ryan and I have been doing really good with our exercising and eating healthy.  So good Ryan got his first running blister!  It puts a huge grin on my face....I've officially turned him into a RUNNER!

     I've even gotten him to like running so much that he committed to run the Bryce Canyon, Utah 1/2 Marathon July 14 with me!  We are hoping that he will be able to run it with me, but it will just depend on his rotations this summer.  I will still make him train with me, if he runs it or not.

     Hope everyone else is doing good on their Resolutions!!!!

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