Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tablets, Capsules, Suppositories OH MY!

     So, nothing really new around the Finn Household.  Our days consist of school, school work, some more school work, preparing for tests, hour or so of exercise, and then some more school work.  So pretty much in a nut shell there has been our lives for the last 6 or 7 weeks!  Let's see, Ryan is currently first in his Fantasy Football league and he is pretty proud of that!  I on the other hand have become quite the capsule and suppository maker from my pharmaceutics class.

Here are some suppositories I made
And the final suppository wrapped

     One new great activity that we have adapted into our Family Home Evening is "Name that Drug."  haha jk but our life consists of talking about diseases and drugs, we actually do that quite often.  So this is a pretty lame update but when you live and breathe school nothing exciting really happens.

1 comment:

  1. Tablets and capsules manufacturing and services provided by Abbott. Few products are available by means of tablets and capsules containing vitamins& minerals plus sulphate and MSM. Antibiotics also provided in tablets and capsules.
