Saturday, October 1, 2011

Doctor In Training

     That is right folks!  We have a Doctor in Training.....he even has a shirt that says so!

     Now everyone can finally believe that we really are going to school! We didn't just move away for fun, we came for school!  So, there is a story to this shirt.  "Doctors in Training" is a program that you buy to help you prepare for the BIG (Im talking like DECIDES our future BIG) Second Year test Ryan gets to take this coming June!  It pretty much tells us what kind of doctor he can be.  For those of you who don't know much about medical school, it is pretty much like him taking the MCAT all over again (test like the ACT/SAT to get into college).  There is a range of scores.  The higher you get the better/more options you have of being whatever kind of doctor you want aka more money or less money, take your pick haha.
     So Ryan warned me at the beginning of the school year that we will probably have to spend somewhere around a THOUSAND dollars in prep books/materials for his big test.  I just nodded my head and said okay not thinking anything about it.  Well this week he had a meeting at lunch about this "doctors in training" program.  I get a phone call and it goes like this, "Kali they are giving us $150 dollars off if we buy the package right now, so I need the credit card number!"  I was thinking to myself, Oh boy, that is just so nice of them!  Well come to find out we still had to pay just under $700 for the dang thing!  All I can say is, it better be worth it!  BUT DO NOT WORRY, it came with a pretty SWEET SHIRT, for just under $700!!!!
   The back, it even has he cool medical symbol on it!
Just so you don't forget, we will have a REAL DOCTOR soon!  Just give us 8 to 10 years till we start seeing some good from it!


  1. hahahha oh my gosh this post made me laugh so hard because this is EXACTLY how it went down with Austin too.... calling me at work all frantic cause he needs a credit card number only to find out this class cost $700. Lol it better be worth it! and hey at least they threw in a "free" shirt.

  2. Kali!! I did think you guys just moved to AZ for vacation...who wouldnt want to live in AZ?? You guys crack me up! Hope all is well and that Ryan gets a high score so you can earn back that $700 soon!

    Oh and we may or may not be in Pocatello for Thanksgiving...but we for sure should talk soon!! Love ya!
